Bahal I temple location is easy to find because of the temple directly visible from the road passable four-wheel vehicle. In addition, at the entrance to the temple area Bahal I have built the gate and a guard post is located not far from the gate.
Faced with the checkpoint, there is a building that functioned as a museum. In the museum stored Bahal temple parts that can not be restored to its original position, including statues and pieces of the statue intact.
Bahal temple first built in the courtyard area of approximately 3000 m2 surrounded by a fence of red stone structure as high as 60 cm. Fences are quite thick, which is about 1 m, so that people can walk freely around the temple. In the middle of the east side, courtyard walls widened, forming overhanging the floor about 7 m to the outside courtyard of the temple. About 70 cm high wall flanking the left and right side of the floor to the limits contained ladder at the end of the left and right of the gate.
The main building Bahal I temple located in the middle of the courtyard, facing the gate. In between the main building and there is a gate-shaped platform foundation or square base measuring approximately 7 x 7 m2. The stairs up to the stage is made of red stone is located on the east side, facing the stairs up to the main building, and on the west side of the stage, facing down the stairs to the gate.
In the southern part of the page, aligned with the foundation of the above, the two foundations lined size 3 m2 and 2.5 m2. Do not have information on whether the above three are the foundation of the building was or not. It is not known are also the three functions.
The main building Bahal I temple is the largest compared to the main temple building Bahal II and II. The main building consists of the composition of mat, legs, body and roof of the temple. Marquetry temple housed a square base measuring approximately 7 m2 with a height of about 180 cm.
The main building Bahal I temple is the largest compared to the main temple building Bahal II and II. The main building consists of the composition of mat, legs, body and roof of the temple. Marquetry temple housed a square base measuring approximately 7 m2 with a height of about 180 cm.
Above the temple foot tall coaster stands 75 cm, with a square ground-plan area of 6 m2. Difference foot wide saucer and temples form around the foot of the temple hall. In the middle of the east side, right in front of the stairs up to the foot of the surface of the temple, the temple mats along the bay about 4 m with a width of about 2 m. At the end of the road is that there is a stairway flanked by a pair of makara head at the base.
Makara is an animal that exists only in myth, half-fish half-crocodile form. The mouth of the stone statue of the makara head wide open. In the open mouth are creatures similar to the kinara-Kinari, the human-headed bird, such as those in Shiva temples in Java.
Although both are made of stone, statues flanking the stairs makara has a different decoration patterns contained in the temples of Java in general. The back of the animals head is adorned with sculptures lined circle, which is not found in makara temples in Java.
Although both are made of stone, statues flanking the stairs makara has a different decoration patterns contained in the temples of Java in general. The back of the animals head is adorned with sculptures lined circle, which is not found in makara temples in Java.
Along the north and south walls of road towards the saucer-shaped sculptures are people in various positions. Although many parts of the sculptures that have been damaged, are still visible form of people who looked like he was dancing. Along the eastern side or front of a giant saucer-shaped sculptures are being seated.
On the north wall and the south foot of the temple there is no sculpture, while along the west wall (rear) sculptures are more subtle but is no longer clear shape. The temple in the form of a four-square building with a square base area of 5 m2. Difference vast body of the temple with the temple formed surfaces foot wide corridor of about 1 m. To reach the entrance to the room there are stairs to the temple at about 60 cm from the surface of the foot of the temple. In the temple there is a blank space measuring approximately 3 m2 surrounded by a wall about 1 m thick. The width of the entrance threshold of approximately 120 x 250 cm. There are no sculptures that adorn the door frame.
Bahal I temple roof shape is very unique, not like a tiered pyramid like temples in East Java, but also did not like the stupa as Barelang temple roof. Bahal I temple roof shape cylinder with a height of 2.5 m, as cookies are placed on a rectangular mat. Sculptured garlands wrapped around the edge of the roof.
Still in the temple courtyard Bahal I, on the north corner halamn foundation behind the main building there measuring about 2.5 m2 with ruins on it. Not obtained information about the original shape and function of the original ruins.
(Translate Bahasa Indonesia)
Lokasi Candi Bahal I mudah ditemukan karena bangunan candi langsung terlihat dari jalan yang dapat dilalui kendaraan beroda empat. Selain itu, di jalan masuk ke areal candi Bahal I telah dibangun gapura dan sebuah pos penjagaan yang terletak tidak jauh dari gapura.
Berhadapan dengan pos penjaga terdapat sebuah bangunan yang difungsikan sebagai museum. Dalam museum tersebut tersimpan bagian-bagian Candi Bahal yang belum dapat dikembalikan ke tempatnya semula, termasuk arca utuh dan potongan arca.
Candi Bahal 1 dibangun di pelataran seluas sekitar 3000 m2 yang dikelilingi pagar dari susunan batu merah setinggi 60 cm. Dinding pagar tersebut cukup tebal, yaitu sekitar 1 m, sehingga orang dapat berjalan dengan leluasa mengitari candi. Pada pertengahan sisi timur, dinding halaman melebar, membentuk lantai yang menjorok sekitar 7 m ke arah luar halaman candi. Dinding setinggi sekitar 70 cm mengapit sisi kanan dan kiri lantai tersebut sampai ke batas tangga yang terdapat di ujung sisi kiri dan kanan gerbang.
Bangunan utama Candi Bahal I terletak di tengah halaman, menghadap ke gerbang. Di antara bangunan utama dan pintu gerbang terdapat fondasi atau panggung berbentuk dasar bujur sangkar berukuran sekitar 7 x 7 m2. Tangga naik ke panggung yang dibuat dari batu merah tersebut terdapat di sisi timur, berhadapan dengan tangga naik ke bangunan utama, dan di sisi barat panggung, berhadapan dengan tangga untuk turun dari gerbang.
Di bagian selatan halaman, sejajar dengan fondasi tersebut di atas, berjajar dua fondasi berukuran 3 m2 dan 2,5 m2. Tidak didapatkan informasi apakah di atas ketiga fondasi tersebut tadinya terdapat bangunan atau tidak. Tidak diketahui juga fungsi ketiganya.
Bangunan utama Candi Bahal I merupakan yang terbesar dibandingkan dengan bangunan utama Candi Bahal II dan II. Bangunan utama ini terdiri atas susunan tatakan, kaki, tubuh dan atap candi. Tatakan candi berdenah dasar bujur sangkar seluas sekitar 7 m2 dengan tinggi sekitar 180 cm.
Di atas tatakan berdiri kaki candi setinggi 75 cm, dengan denah dasar berbentuk bujur sangkar seluas 6 m2. Selisih luas tatakan dan kaki candi membentuk selasar mengelilingi kaki candi. Di pertengahan sisi timur, tepat di depan tangga naik ke kaki permukaan candi, tatakan candi menjorok ke luar sepanjang sekitar 4 m dengan lebar sekitar 2 m. Di ujung jalan tersebut terdapat tangga yang diapit oleh sepasang kepala makara di pangkalnya.
Makara adalah hewan yang hanya ada dalam mitos, berwujud setengah ikan setengah buaya. Mulut arca kepala makara dari batu tersebut menganga lebar. Dalam mulut yang terbuka tersebut terdapat makhluk yang mirip dengan kinara-kinari, yaitu burung berkepala manusia, seperti yang terdapat pada candi-candi Syiwa di Jawa.
Walaupun sama-sama terbuat dari batu, arca makara pengapit tangga ini mempunyai pola hiasan yang berbeda dengan yang terdapat di candi-candi di Jawa pada umumnya. Bagian belakang kepala hewan tersebut dihiasi dengan pahatan lingkaran berjajar, yang tidak ditemukan pada makara candi-candi di Jawa.
Sepanjang sisi utara dan selatan dinding jalan menuju tatakan terdapat pahatan berbentuk orang dalam berbagai posisi. Walaupun banyak bagian pahatan yang sudah rusak, masih terlihat bentuk orang yang tampak seperti sedang menari. Di sepanjang sisi timur atau depan tatakan terdapat pahatan berbentuk raksasa yang sedang duduk.
Pada dinding utara dan selatan kaki candi tidak terdapat pahatan, sedangkan sepanjang dinding barat (belakang) terdapat pahatan yang lebih halus namun sudah tidak jelas lagi bentuknya. Tubuh candi berupa bangunan bersegi empat dengan alas berbentuk bujur sangkar seluas 5 m2. Selisih luas tubuh candi dengan permukaan kaki candi membentuk selasar selebar sekitar 1 m. Untuk mencapai pintu masuk ke ruang di dalam tubuh candi terdapat tangga setinggi sekitar 60 cm dari permukaan kaki candi. Dalam tubuh candi terdapat ruangan kosong berukuran sekitar 3 m2 yang dikelilingi dinding setebal sekitar 1 m. Lebar ambang pintu masuk sekitar 120 x 250 cm. Tidak terdapat pahatan yang menghiasi bingkai pintu.
Bentuk atap Candi Bahal I sangatlah unik, tidak menyerupai limas bersusun seperti candi-candi di Jawa Timur, namun juga tidak mirip stupa seperti atap Candi Muara Takus. Bentuk atap Candi Bahal I silinder dengan tinggi sekitar 2,5 m, seperti kue yang diletakkan di atas tatakan persegi empat. Pahatan untaian bunga melingkari tepian atap.
Masih di dalam halaman Candi Bahal I, di sudut utara halamn belakang bangunan utama terdapat fondasi berukuran sekitar 2,5 m2 dengan reruntuhan di atasnya. Tidak didapat informasi mengenai bentuk asli maupun fungsi semula reruntuhan tersebut.
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